The Trainings
Psychocalisthenics Training™

PickingGrapesPsychocalisthenics® is a sequence of 23 movement and breathing exercises that activate the flow of vital energy through all muscle groups, organs, glands and tissues. It is performed in the Arica Daily Routine and during many Arica® trainings.

Psychocalisthenics is easy to learn. The entire series takes only sixteen minutes to complete and produces a flash of vital energy through the entire body. A wallchart and participant booklet will be provided to newcomers.

For those who already practice it, a P-Cals run-through will be available free each morning before breakfast.

Prerequisites: None
Schedule: P-Cals is taught on Day 1.

Prices: Members Members
$70 $50 $100

The Psychocalisthenics training is optional and at a discounted fee for IPST participants.


© 1972, [the-year] by Oscar Ichazo. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

The Picking Grapes and Row 1 Chart illustrations are copyrights of Oscar Ichazo.

Arica®, Protoanalysis®, Psychocalisthenics®, and The Universal Logos® are registered trademarks of Oscar Ichazo in the United States of America.
P-Cals® and Psychocalisthenics® are registered trademarks in Canada.
Arica Daily Routine, IPST, and Psychocalisthenics Training are trademarks of Oscar Ichazo.