The Trainings
The Arica Nine Ways of Zhikr Training™

ZhikrGroupRightSkinMixedWeb_160x152To zhikr is to repeat the name of God. In the Arica® Zhikr, ‘Toham Kum Rah,’ the internal mantram of the Divine, is repeated in nine different ways to specific patterns of music, movements and breathing to produce the State of mystical ecstasy and union with the Divine.

Schedule: Zhikr will be taught in the evenings of Days 4 through 8, for up to 1½ hours. The Arica 9 Ways of Zhikr Ritual will be practiced with the entire IPST group at the end of Day 9.

Prerequisites: None

Prices: Members Members
$130 $90 $180

The Zhikr training is optional and at a discounted fee for IPST participants.


© 1972, [the-year] by Oscar Ichazo. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

The Zhikr Line illustration is a copyright of Oscar Ichazo.

Arica® and The Universal Logos® are registered trademarks of Oscar Ichazo in the United States of America.
IPST, The Arica Nine Ways of Zhikr Training, The Arica 9 Ways of Zhikr Ritual and Toham Kum Rah are trademarks of Oscar Ichazo.